
Updated by Victoria

WorkStep will notify users of alerts and responses by email. These are designed to keep users informed and bring important information to the reader's attention on a recurring basis.

Alerts Notification

This message includes WorkStep alerts assigned to you and new alerts within your scope. It is sent at most once per day, and only if there is new alert activity.

Weekly Summary Email

This notification includes an overview of the activity in WorkStep for the last 7 days, and is sent once a week on Tuesday morning. The email includes:

  • Open alerts and alerts assigned to you that have not yet been resolved.
  • A count of alerts that have been resolved in the last 7 days.
  • New positive comments received in the last 7 days
  • New responses received in the last 7 days.

Configuring your email settings

These emails are enabled by default for users of WorkStep RETAIN. To view and configure your email settings, open the Settings link in the top right corner of any page, and then select My Account.

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