
Updated by Victoria

Actions enable users to document, track, and review any initiatives their teams have implemented related to a particular WorkStep theme.

As leaders take actions to improve areas of opportunity, they'll find it helpful to monitor how these actions are affecting employees sentiment. WorkStep's Actions feature provides the ability for users to to document events and initiatives in-platform, and track their impact against favorability scores and retention rates.

Actions can be created in relation to a specific theme, such as Benefits or Career Growth. As an example, in an effort to improve Career Growth favorability scores, leaders may roll out a new job shadowing program to help employees develop a career path. They'll need a convenient way to measure how favorability scores in Career Growth trend after job shadowing has started. Actions give users a space to input information about events or initiatives and gauge how they affect sentiment.

Logging Actions

To document an action, click the LOG ACTION button in the top right corner of the Actions page.

Using the fields of the Actions form, confirm the theme with which this initiative should be associated, as well as the start date, and select any other attributes that can provide context. Be sure to leave a description about the initiative that provides a brief summary.

Clicking SAVE on the Actions form will document the action and begin creating a presentation of favorability over time for that theme. If the initiative logged started very recently, there may not be immediate data available to develop and trend insights.

Reviewing Actions

The Actions page is organized by WorkStep themes, and a summary of how many actions have been documented for each. Selecting a theme will present users with a list of those actions and favorability performance for each. These actions can be exported to share with those without access in-platform.

Users with Admin or Editor permissions will be able to create, edit, and delete any actions in-platform. Viewers will be able to view actions related to sites within their scope.

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