Survey Preview

Updated by Victoria

Question Sets

Users looking to understand what questions are being asked of employees in their surveys can view the question set for each survey type by taking the following steps:

  1. Open the Surveys page
  2. Select the tab for the survey type you'd like to view: Milestone, Point-in-Time, or Exit (if enabled)
  3. Depending on which survey type you'd like to view - Milestone and Point-in-Time surveys may require users to select additional criteria, as most organizations are utilizing more than one type of Milestone survey, or may have conducted more than one Point-in-Time survey.

  1. Once you've chosen your survey type, unravel the Questions dropdown to view the question set

Survey Preview

To see how these questions and answer choices appear to your employees, click the Preview icon in the top right of the page. Through this view, you'll be able to move through an example of the survey without recording answers that contribute to your data. This is a great way to understand the employee experience of completing a survey once its received.

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