Exit Surveys

Updated by Victoria

When enabled, Exit Surveys are sent to employees who, on your organization's recurring import, are listed as having a termination date. Exit Surveys typically include questions that help you as a leader understand what factors drove the employee to turnover, and/or about the employee's overall experience while they were a part of your organization.


Employees who have a termination date pre-dating the receipt of the data upload that informs WorkStep of their termination will receive their Exit Survey within 24 hours. If the data upload informs WorkStep of an employee who has a termination date in the future, their Exit Survey will be sent within 24 hours of the termination date. Exit Surveys are sent by SMS and Email.

Exit Survey Data

WorkStep consolidates data collected through Exit Surveys in its own space. You can find feedback collected through Exit Surveys by opening the Surveys page and selecting Exit Survey from the list of Milestone surveys.

Your Exit Survey data contain many of the same calculations and scores that you'll see for data from active employees - such as Response Rate, eNPS, and Favorability - but will not be included in aggregate data sets in other places of the WorkStep platform. This is to help you understand the sentiment of employees while they're employed without being affected by, what is commonly negative sentiment from terminated employees.

Qualitative Exit Survey data (open-text feedback) can also be view through your Comments inbox in the Communication Page. Use the Survey type filter and select Exit to view comments only from your Exit Surveys.

Enabling Exit Surveys

To begin sending Exit Surveys to terminated employees, reach out to your Customer Success Consultant.

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