Favorability and eNPS

Updated by Victoria

From your employees' feedback, WorkStep will calculate the level of satisfaction in specific areas of the employee experience, as well as an overall score for employee satisfaction. These metrics are called Favorability and eNPS.


Favorability is calculated as the percentage of employees who answered favorably on questions related to a particular theme. A theme refers to an element of the employee experience that contributes to a worker's overall sentiment towards being a member of your organization. Questions asked of employees in Milestone surveys are mapped to particular themes in order to gauge overall sentiment towards that theme. A favorable employee is one who responded to a question with either a 4 or 5 score on the Likert scale ('Agree' or 'Strongly Agree').

As an example, favorability towards the Benefits theme is calculated by the percentage of employees who answered positively towards questions about the benefit offerings of their employer. If a majority of employees answered with 4's and 5's to those questions, the Benefits theme likely has a high favorability percentage.

Favorability Matrix

The simplest way to understand favorability towards themes by each of your locations is to review the Favorability Matrix found on the Insights page. This matrix will allow you to identify areas of opportunity or areas of success by presenting favorability scores in each of your themes for each of your locations. Here's an example:

In the above example, the Milwaukee location has not scored favorably towards Career Growth or Manager Expectations, which could indicate an opportunity for improvement in those areas.

You may notice "Low Input" for several themes from the Tucson location. This indicates that this location has not collected feedback from enough respondents in order to calculate a score that won't risk confidentiality.

Color coding by score is as follows: 0-30%, 30-50%, 50-70%, 70-90%, 90-100%.

Favorability by Other Attributes

On the Insights page, you can view your favorability scores through many lenses - including overall favorability over time, by milestone, or by location. Filters for your attributes at the top of the Insights page will allow you to narrow down your results to more granularly understand your favorability data.

As an example, applying a filter for particular role titles will update all graphs and charts on the Insights page with data relevant to only those job titles selected. Note that applying filters across many attributes could prevent results from meeting our anonymity thresholds, yielding "low input" instead of data for feedback meeting all attributes selected.


eNPS stands for Employee Net Promoter Score. Similar to the customer Net Promoter Score used by companies to gauge the loyalty of their customers, eNPS is a metric commonly used by organizations to understand and benchmark employee loyalty. eNPS is calculated by evaluating answers to the question “How likely are you to recommend {company} as a place to work?”. Employees answer on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being Very Unlikely and 10 being Very Likely. 

The responses are then categorized in three ways based on answer scores. Respondents who submitted scores of 9 and 10 are considered Promoters, those who scored 7 and 8 are considered Passive, while those who scored 0-6 are considered Detractors.

eNPS Scale

eNPS is measured on a scale of -100 to 100 and is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters, while excluding the passive responses. 

The eNPS scale can be interpreted according to the following scale:

-100 to 0

Needs Improvement

0 to 30


30 - 70




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