The Analytics page in our WorkStep HIRE platform offers you a high-level overview of your hiring metrics. The page is organized according to your organization's hierarchy and filtered based on each user's data access.
Date Range Filter
The date range filter at the top of the page allows you to select the date range for which you would like to see analytics and reporting.

The information provided on this page includes:
- Applicants: The number of applications that have passed through the WorkStep vetting process, and have been surfaced to a hiring manager for a particular role.
- Invited: The number of applicants who have been invited to an interview.
- Interviewed: The number of applicants who have attended an interview.
- Hired: The number of applicants who have been hired via the WorkStep platform.
- Avg time to hire: The average number of days between when a candidate submits an application and their hire date.
Hiring Funnel
Expanding a location will display a breakdown of hiring analytics by week for the dates you have selected.

Conversion Rates
Expanding a section will also display conversion metrics for the date range selected.

Expanding a section will also display velocity metrics for the date range selected.

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