Employee Confidentiality

Updated by Victoria

Protecting the confidentiality of the feedback we collect is key to gathering the most insightful data possible. Below are the ways in which we maintain the confidentiality of your employee's feedback as it relates to the employee experience.


For confidential surveys run through WorkStep, responses are connected to personal information of the respondent. Companies that work with WorkStep to survey their employees pledge to keep the information private. Only select administrators may be able to access personal information connected to responses outside of the platform

WorkStep protects the confidentiality of feedback shown in the platform using these mechanisms:

  • Employee name is hidden: The name and employee ID of the responder will always be hidden in the WorkStep platform to protect a user's identity. Employees have the option to disclose their name and email address when submitting feedback. However, by default, their identity will be hidden by WorkStep. Only if the employee chooses to opt into revealing their identity for each question will this information be provided.
  • Minimum of three rule: In any instance where a category has fewer than three responses, the responses are hidden. For example, if you filtered by a role, facility, or check-in, and the filtered results returned fewer than three responses, the responses are hidden.
  • Responses are not displayed in real-time: Responses are not displayed the same day they are collected. Recent comments will include comments received yesterday, but won't include comments received today. Comments that are flagged as an alert and therefore warrant a higher level of urgency are an exception and may appear sooner.


We've implemented parameters in-platform to prevent users from determining the identity of employees through their feedback who don't wish to be identified. For employees who do wish to self-identify, we've enabled the ability to disclose their name and contact information while completing their survey:

Employee Support

When an employee responds to a notification from WorkStep - typically by replying to the email or SMS notification - it is intercepted by WorkStep's Customer Support team. This prevents employees from inadvertently self-identifying by using their email address to ask questions. Our Customer Support Team will answer any questions for the employee as it relates to interacting with surveys, but will escalate any matters to their employer if the communication meets certain criteria:

  • If the employee replies to a survey notification with feedback that was intended to be submitted via the survey, and that feedback meets alert criteria.
  • If the employee replies to an Inform message with information or questions that cannot be support by WorkStep.

In instances where an employee replies to a notification informing them that their employer has opened a conversation in response to a comment they submitted, Customer Support will direct the employee to use the reply feature within the notification to ensure the conversation continues confidentially.

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