Always On

Updated by Victoria

Always On is a WorkStep survey type that allows employees to leave confidential feedback without having to wait for their next milestone to receive a survey. Always On feedback can be provided at any time by any employee currently receiving Milestone surveys, and can include an opportunity for employees to leave open-text feedback, or respond to a custom question.

Always On Employee Eligibility

Once the Always On survey type is enabled, employees who are currently receiving Milestone surveys will be able to submit feedback from their mobile device as long as they:

  • have an internet enabled cellular device to receive SMS text messaging and to access web links
  • are an active employee at your organization
  • are using the same number they have on file with your HRIS to access the survey

Accessing Always On

Employees can launch the survey by either scanning the QR code (see section below) or sending a new text message to +1-888-521-4493

QR Code Instructions for Employees
  1. Open your device's camera application, and point the camera at the QR code.
  2. Tap on the yellow banner that appears beneath the code on your camera's screen to open the link.
  3. The link will redirect you to your messaging application, where a new message will generate with the Always On phone number and the text "Feedback" automatically populated. Send the SMS message.

At this point, WorkStep will verify that the employee’s phone number from which they texted "Feedback" to ensure it matches an active employee in our database. After successful verification, the employee will receive a message containing: "Provide confidential feedback to {COMPANY} here" with a link to the page where they'll be able to submit open-text feedback.

SMS Instructions for Employees

Employees can also launch the Always On survey by texting the word ‘FEEDBACK’ to +1-888-521-4493, which will initiate the verification process described above, and respond with a link to the access the survey.

Employee Verification

It's possible for an employee to attempt to send feedback and be denied access to the survey. This could be because either:

  • The employee’s phone number is not included in the recurring data upload your organization submits to WorkStep on a recurring basis, and therefor cannot be authenticated:
  • Your organization has not enabled Always On as an active survey type.

Always On Feedback In-Platform

You'll be able to review feedback from Always On surveys by navigating to the Survey page, choosing the Always On survey type, and opening the Questions tab. If your survey question only allows open-text responses, you can also see answers by navigating to the Communication page and adjusting the survey type filter from the default setting (Milestone) to "Always On".

Enabling Always On

Reach out to your Customer Success Consultant to enable the Always On survey type and receive socialization materials to begin collecting feedback.

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