Turnover Reduction Potential

The Turnover Reduction Potential for a given theme represents the percent decrease you could expect in your overall workforce turnover rate by converting all unfavorable respondents for this theme to favorable respondents.

The calculation considers responses to that theme for Milestone Surveys that were submitted between 180 - 30 days ago.

  • If an employee has responded to more than one survey in that time range, we will count both of those responses individually.
  • If a survey has more than one question that relates to the same theme and an employee has responded to both of those questions, the scores for that employee for that theme and survey will be averaged.

For each survey sent in the sample, we look to see if the employee was still employed for at least 30 days after the survey was sent. If so, we count that employee as retained in our calculation.

We then consider the count of favorable and unfavorable responses across our sampled data and calculate the proportion of employees that were retained.

We require a minimum amount of both favorable and unfavorable responses - in this case 30 favorable and 30 unfavorable. If we don’t have enough data to calculate a turnover reduction potential, it will not be visible at all.