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Response Rate and Reachability

Your Response Rate and Reachability are important data points to monitor. Your organization's Response Rate measures how many survey responses you're receiving from employees, and how many of your employees are participating in the WorkStep program. Reachability helps to highlight how many employees are currently able to receive notifications (and therefor surveys) from WorkStep. Response Rate and Reachability data are visible on the Responsiveness tab of the Milestone page.

Response Rate

The first representation of this metric is your overall Response Rate as a percentage from the last 180 days, by default (this can be adjusted by selecting the drop down currently set to "Last 180 Days"). This measures how many employees have responded to a survey during this time range. In the above example, 231 out of 815 employees have responded to a survey, yielding a 28% response rate.

It's important to note that this represents the number of employees who have responded to at least one survey during this time. It is possible for an employee to receive more than one survey during a particular time period. As an example, if an employee receives their Day-30 survey on June 15th, and their Day-60 survey on July 15th, both would fall within the 180 day period. If the employee only responds to the Day-60 survey, their response will count towards your organization's Response Rate, because they responded to at least one survey in the given timeframe.

Response Rate Over Time

The Response Rate Over Time graph measures how many of your employees have responded to surveys they've received by each month, over the last year by default (this can be adjusted selecting the drop down currently set to "Last 365 Days"). This helps gauge your employee's responsiveness as you progress throughout the year.

It's important to note here that you may see that your overall response rate is higher than any response rate in any given month on the Response Rate Over Time graph. Using the same example above, where an employee receives their Day-30 survey on June 15th and their Day-60 survey on July 15th, but only responds to the Day-60 survey, their response would not count towards June. However, over the last 180 days, their response is counted, as they responded to at least one survey.


Beneath Response Rate data, you'll find Reachability. This can help users understand what percentage of their employees have opted out of or are unable to receive notifications from WorkStep. Employees who are unable to be reached by WorkStep are unable to receive surveys or reminders to complete surveys.

Reachability data will detail how many employees are reachable by specific methods, percentages of those who have opted out of SMS, or both SMS and email, and the percentage of employees who are unreachable by SMS or email (meaning that they may have provided an invalid email address or phone number).

  • Employees are able to opt out of SMS notifications by texting STOP to the number from which they received the notification. To opt back in, they can simply text START to the same number.
  • It's important to note that employees who unsubscribed from receiving emails from WorkStep are also automatically opted out of SMS ("Email & SMS opt-outs"). To opt an employee back into email notifications, reach out to our customer support team at employers@workstep.com.