Reports release to all users: 4 Standard reports, the ability to edit standard reports and create custom reports, and the ability to export reports directly to PPT
Updates to Custom Surveys:
Filters added to Survey Overview page
Ability to compare same questions across Custom Surveys
Export “Responsiveness by [Segment]” graph
Added Favorability tab for new and historical surveys
Responses tab changed to Feedback
Update to data visualization on the Insights page: Removed toggle between bar graph and heatmap for Favorability charts; created new scrollable bar graph for Favorability by Theme, and then the heatmap, Theme Favorability by Segment, below
Changes to question formatting: all questions have been cleaned up to have the same formatting
Bug Fixes
Update to the “resolved by” field in comment export to accurately represent the user who resolved the alert
Added loaders to components who did not have them
Updated old question card favorability percentage uses floor instead of round