User Access Management and Login

Updated by Victoria

User Access Management refers to the upkeep of team members within your company who are able to utilize the WorkStep platform, as well as see or interact with data and employee feedback. It's important to keep your user lists up to date to ensure your data is secure and visible to the right team members.

Access Types

A user's access includes two considerations: what the user should be able to do in the platform ("ability"), and what groups of data they should be able to see ("scope"). User access abilities and scopes are customizable at a company level to suit your organization's permission needs.


We find that a majority of users fit into the following ability categories:


Permissions for groups within their scope:


Invite team members and edit team member permissions

Assign and be assigned alerts

Reply to and resolve comments


Assign and be assigned alerts

Reply to and resolve comments


Review feedback and data in-platform

Additional abilities may include:

  • Inform Author: the ability to write and send messages via the Inform feature
  • Sensitive Alert Viewer: the ability to see feedback assigned to particular alert categories in-platform


A user's scope typically consists of locations or sites that are within the user's jurisdiction. As an example, an Operations Manager for a facility in Phoenix may only have the Phoenix site within their scope, while a Regional Human Resources Manager may have several sites in a particular area within their scope. A user's scope does not need to correspond directly with a location if they oversee, for example, all Maintenance Technicians across all sites. If you require scope configurations based on any attributes other than location, reach out to your Customer Success Consultant to understand how to organize access for your users.

Managing Team Member Access

Admins have the ability to invite a team member to become a WorkStep user, as well as the ability to edit the access for any user within their scope. Below are steps to take to manage user access in-platform:

  1. Click Settings > Team from the top right of any page in-platform.
Invite a new user
  1. Click Invite Team Member, and add the user's Name, Email Address, and Job Title
  2. Click the Select Groups button. This is where you'll assign both the ability this user should have, as well as any locations within their scope. You must assign at least one of each for the user to see data in-platform.
  3. Once selections have been made, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Permission Groups list.
  4. Clicking Save on the following page will send an invitation to join WorkStep to the user's email address. From that email, the user will be able to set a password and access the platform.
Edit a User's Permissions
  1. From the list of users within your scope, find the user's name you need to manage, and click the Edit link inline with their name. Note: Users will not be able to manage their own permissions. Admins will need a separate Admin to update their permissions.
  2. Select the Edit button where the number of groups currently assigned is presented, or, to remove a user from the list altogether, choose the Deactivate Team Member link (this will prevent the user from logging in).
  3. To edit a user's permissions, select or deselect boxes associated with particular permissions. Once all adjustments have been made, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Permission Groups list.
  4. Click Save on the previous window to submit changes.
Don't want to manage your user's access? Ask WorkStep about Directory Sync!

Logging In

Once a user has been invited to join WorkStep, they'll receive an email notification that will allow them to login and set a password.

After initial profile setup, users will be able to login at

WorkStep will not store passwords, and for security, won't be able to reset or provide temporary passwords on behalf of users. Instead, to reset your credentials, use the Forgot Password link on the login page.

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